Hazardous waste

Hazardous waste or packaging contaminated by it has hazardous properties that can endanger human health and the environment. For this reason, it must be recovered or disposed of in special facilities. Never put it in mixed waste containers. Hazardous waste includes paints, adhesives, solvents, oils, pesticides, medicines and household chemicals. Hazardous properties are: toxicity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, infectivity, ecotoxicity, explosivity, flammability, release of toxic gases and other similar properties.

Hazardous waste is clearly marked in Decree No. 893/201621 Coll., the Decree on the Waste Catalogue, as well as waste exhibiting at least one hazardous property (HP1 – HP15, see Regulation 1357/2014/EU) and waste that is mixed or contaminated with any of the listed types of waste.

You can take hazardous waste into the collection yard or use mobile collection if it is organised by your municipality. When in doubt, look at the label of an empty package, there should always be information on how to handle the content.

Pharmacy operators are obliged to take back unusable medicines from natural persons free of charge. Act No. 378/2007 Coll., on Pharmaceuticals, as amended, in § 88 and 89

Pharmacies do not have to take back injection needles back. The doctor that prescribed the treatment should take them back or inform about the place of their possible disposal. Field workers of special support organisations usually take them back from drug addicts.



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