Hazardous waste

Hazardous waste must be thoroughly sorted according to individual hazardous properties at the time of collection. Hazardous waste is further managed depending on its hazardous properties.

Many types of hazardous waste can be regenerated, i.e. their original properties can be restored and reused. For example, this method is used for solvents and oils.

Flammable wastes, e.g. infectious hospital waste, medicines, petroleum products, paints and varnishes are usually incinerated in hazardous waste incineration plant. Metal packaging that passes through the incineration plant is handed over for recycling.

Another method is decontamination, when hazardous substances are removed from various surfaces, e.g. packaging from hazardous substances is professionally rinsed, metal parts are washed, etc. The hazardous substance is removed and the cleaned product can be reused or recycled.

More complex products are dismantled into individual components. Those containing hazardous substances are handed over to specialised companies for safe disposal or use (e.g. car batteries).

A large proportion of hazardous waste is landfilled, but prior to doing so, waste must undergo treatment where landfill limits are reached. Various chemical and physical methods such as neutralisation, stabilisation, biodegradation, solidification, etc. are used for this purpose.



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