How to sort waste in Czech republic

You probably know that waste sorting is largely regulated by a specific municipality by a decree and by further informing citizens. So please contact the municipality with proposals to expand the collection network or to modify the waste collection dates. You will find general information here. You can use as a signpost for finding information regarding waste in a specific municipality.

Where it belongs

Waste Belongs to Description
Waste Belongs to Description
ABS plasticanother waste, plasticABS is a durable, tough plastic mainly used for producting electrical appliances or cars. It's best to sort it together with an electrical appliance into electrical waste or with a car into the scrapyard. If we find ABS elsewhere, we don't have to worry about throwing it into a plastic collection container.
rechargeable batterieselectrical wasteAlso called storage batteries. Collection boxes for are found in shops, offices, schools and collection yards. They can be put in most e-waste containers or handed over at collection yards.
fish tankbulky, glassWe can't fit a fish tank in a standard glass container due to its size so we should take it into a large-capacity container for plate glass at the collection yard. Placing it next to street containers is prohibited. Some fish tanks are from multiple-walled glass and are therefore difficult to recycle.
aluminium foilmetalsPure aluminium foil, such as yogurt lids, inner wrapper on chocolate or aluminium foil on pre-packed food can be crushed and sorted into metal rubbish. Best to put in an tin can. Dirty aluminium foil from a barbecue without large food scraps can also be sorted into metal rubbish. We should put aluminium foil with a lot of food scraps in residual waste.
anti-perspirantplastic, glass, metalsIt depends on the type of packaging and the material it is made from. Glass bottles and roll-on bottles can be put all into the glass container. Plastic packaging belongs to plastic waste. As for metal pressure vessels, we must first ensure that they are completely emptied, then they can be thrown into a container for metal waste.
asphaltconstruction, hazardousHand over pieces of old asphalt, asphalt coatings, cardboard, roof shingles, etc. to a collection yard, where the operator will advise you whether it's construction or hazardous waste. This way, its further use or safe disposal will be ensured.
audio cassettesresidualAudio cassettes are made from multiple materials and as such are residual waste. We recommend taking a large number of audio cassettes to the collection yard.
car batterieselectrical wasteCar batteries contain a large amount of lead, but also electrolyte (usually with sulfuric acid), which makes them a hazardous waste. They are collected through take-backs in repair shops, you can also take them to most collection yards or hand them over when hazardous waste is collected, but they are also bought by some raw material collection centres.
auto partscar wrecksCar parts are subject to take-back. So a repair shop should deal with them if repaired there. If you choose to have the part returned or you repair the car yourself, the right place to hand over the part is a collection yard with a permission to dispose of auto parts. It isn't municipal waste, so it's necessary to expect a fee for taking this type of waste there. 
hubcapsplastic, metalsHubcaps are a combination of plastic and metal waste. A collection yard is the correct way to dispose of them. If we can safely separate these materials, we can sort them into containers for metal and plastic waste. If we get rid of them together with a car wreck, we can leave them there.
car radioelectrical wasteA car radio is e-waste. E-waste is taken back in (electronics) shops, another option is a collection yard or street e-waste containers. If it's part of a wrecked car, leave it in the car and treat it as part of the wrecked car.
car seatbulkyCar seats are made from several materials and their size corresponds to bulky waste. Therefore, a collection yard is the right place to take them.
auto glasscar wrecksAuto glass is replaced by specialist companies that also ensure its subsequent handover for recycling. Thanks to this, auto glass can be partially recycled.
car wreckcar wrecksAny scrapyard is authorised to collect end-of-life vehicles which, according to the applicable legislation, will ensure the eco-friendly processing of individual parts of vehicles.
asbestosconstruction, hazardousAsbestos is classified as hazardous waste. It's disposed of in separate parts of landfills with specific rules. It's transported and handled by specialised companies. It can also be taken to some collection yards, but please note that it may be subject to a fee. Don't try to break it and it is preferable to transport it in plastic bags or in a tarpaulin covered trailer. It can also be handed over directly to a landfill specialised in its disposal.
bakeliteresidualBakelite is now a historical type of plastic; we don't think you'll have it. If you do, residual waste is the place for disposing of its smaller parts, the bulkier pieces should be taken to a collection yard.
wrapping paperpaperPrinted variants of this paper are mainly seen after Christmas Eve. Non-decorative wrapping paper is used across industries from flower shops to ironmongery. If it isn't really dirty, it belongs in a paper collection container. Dispose of contaminated wrapping paper or special paper with lamination in mixed waste.
balloonsresidualElasticated balloons are made from latex. Foil balloons are made from metal-plated plastic. But they belong to the residual waste in both cases and it's not possible to sort them. However, we should think about whether we really need them in the shop.
bambooresidual, bulkyBamboo in the Czech Republic can be usually found in the form of chopping boards, bowls or other household equipment. When these items become waste, it is residual waste. If you have bulkier pieces of bamboo, they should be taken to a collection yard. If you want to get rid of bamboo leaves, they can go into organic waste.
metal barrelmetals, hazardousIf a barrel is damaged and has not been filled with a hazardous substance, you can take it to a buy-off centre. If a barrel contained a hazardous substance, the right place to dispose of it is the collection yard. Don't hesitate to offer functional barrels that don't fall into the category of hazardous waste to someone else, for example through an ad.
hair colourresidual, metals, hazardousAccurate information on the handling of hair colour tubes can be found on the packaging. If you want to dispose of unused colour that contains ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, it is hazardous waste and should be disposed of accordingly, either in a collection yard or in a mobile hazardous waste collection service.
painter's coloursresidual, hazardousInformation on handling paints is on the packaging. Some paints (usually non-synthetic) can be added into residual waste after drying, others (usually synthetic) are hazardous waste and should be taken to a collection yard or should be handed over during the collection of hazardous waste.
batterieselectrical wasteBatteries are collected as part of take-back. Collection boxes for them are provided in shops, offices, schools or collection yards. They can also be put into most e-waste containers.
swimming poolbulky, constructionA kids' or above-ground pool is bulky waste and belongs to the collection yard. Other types of pools could be construction waste and we would recommend ordering a large-capacity container from a construction waste management company for their disposal.
concreteconstructionThis is construction waste and is processed by specialist companies. Depending on the quantity, it can be taken to a collection yard (if they accept construction waste) or a large-capacity container can be ordered from a construction waste management company. Disposal may be subject to a fee.
organic wastebio wasteBiodegradable waste is waste that is primarily used in compost or put in a composter or it can be put in an appropriate organic waste bin or container (usually brown) or taken to a collection yard or composting plant.
bioplasticresidualBioplastic is a term for a wide range of materials (these are biobased and/or biodegradable). The best place to dispose of the vast majority of bioplastics is a residual waste bin.
imitation jewelleryresidualSeveral types of materials are usually used to create imitation jewellery; that means it's residual waste.
medicine blister packsresidualMedicine blister packs are made from plastic (even of several types) and aluminium foil. These two parts can't be meaningfully separated. So they are residual waste.
snow sledgeplasticA plastic sledge is a great example of single-type plastic. It certainly makes sense to sort them into a plastic waste container, whether on the street or in a collection yard.
boilerelectrical wasteA boiler is bulky electrical equipment, therefore it should be taken to a collection yard or it can be handed over as part of a mobile collection of electrical equipment or when buying a new one in a shop.
helium tankmetals, hazardousA single-use helium tank is waste metal when empty. Unless stated otherwise on the packaging, it can be taken to a collection yard or a buy-off centre.
soda / whipped cream chargersmetalsEmpty, single-use whipped cream or soda chargers belong to metal collection points when empty. If the packaging doesn't say otherwise, you can throw them into a metal waste collection container or take them to a collection yard. If you come across returnable chargers, they should be returned to the shop where they are sold.
box of chocolatespaper, plasticThere are a number of boxes of chocolates and they can consist of other materials. A common combination is a plastic inside with chocolates or pralines packed in a paper box. In this case, it is best to separate the parts and sort them separately into paper and plastic.
shoestextile, residualUnusable shoes belong to residual waste. We can offer functional shoes to someone or put them in a plastic bag and into a container for textile.
disposable food containerresidual, plastic, paperPut heavily soiled plastic food containers and food containers made from plastic-coated paper in residual waste. You can sort clean plastic containers together with other plastics. Put clean paper or sugar cane food containers without plastic coating into the paper. You can put paper containers heavily contaminated with food in biodegradable waste.
strawplastic, paperPlastic straws have been banned from the market since 2022; if you want to dispose of the used ones at home, you can sort them with other plastics. Throw the used paper straws – if they are not soaked – into the paper waste container.
glassesresidualSeveral materials are used in the production of glasses, so they are residual waste.
bubble wrapplasticIt's best to use the wrap to send something. Otherwise, it belongs in a plastic waste container.
alarm clockmetals, another wasteA mechanical alarm clock can be thrown into metal waste, but without glass or plastic parts; an electronic alarm clock is collected together with other e-waste in appropriate containers, at collection yards or in shops as part of take-back.
CDsresidual, another wasteCDs are made from a combination of plastic and metal. They are collected together with e-waste in some places, in other places they are residual waste. You can take a large amount to a collection yard. CD packaging is best separated into paper and plastic parts and then thrown into the appropriate containers.
colanderplastic, metalsA plastic colander belongs to the plastic waste container; you can separate a metal one together with the metal waste.
cellophaneresidual, plasticReal cellophane is rarely seen today. It belongs to residual waste. Today's tatrafan is a polypropylene film that can be separated into plastics.
cementconstructionHardened cement is best taken to a collection yard that handles construction waste. It's construction waste; disposing of it may be subject to a fee.
cigarettesresidualButts are the most frequent littering waste and is residual waste.
tea bagsbio waste, residualPaper tea bags can be composted or put in organic waste bins. Plastic bags belong to residual waste.
magazinespaperMagazines belong in a paper collection container; we can take them to school collection events or buy-off centres. As for laminated covers, it's better to tear the covers off and throw them in the residual waste.
cleaning productsplastic, hazardousCleaning products chemical properties are crucial. The packaging should always indicate how to handle the unused product and how to handle the packaging. You can usually sort them after consumption into appropriate waste collection containers (plastic, metal, glass); if they contain hazardous substances, they belong to collection yards or mobile hazardous waste collection service.
paper gift bagspaper, residualDepending on the bag's finish, only non-laminated bags can be sorted into paper. Laminated bags belong to residual waste.
fleece blankettextile, residualIf the blanket can still be used, we can put it in a textile collection container or give it to charity. Otherwise, although the blankets can be made from PET bottles, they aren't processed further and therefore belong to residual waste.
deodorantmetals, glass, plasticDepending on the packaging material - plastic collection containers for plastic, glass collection containers for glass. Metal bottles into metal collection containers only if completely empty - they must not be under pressure. You can try to find specific information regarding disposing of the remains on the packaging.
umbrellatextile, residualA broken umbrella consists of multiple materials and belongs to the residual waste. If we want to get rid of a functional umbrella, we can put it in a textile collection container or donate it.
slideresidualSlides belong to residual waste. You can take them to a collection yard if you have a lot of them.
diarypaper, residualA diary without a hardback can be put into a paper collection container. However, to protect your privacy, we recommend shredding a used diary. Textile or other binding from the diary belongs to residual waste, metal to metal collection container.
floppy diskresidualFloppy disks belong to residual waste. You can take them to a collection yard if you have a lot of them.
tiles, tilingconstructionBroken tiles are construction waste and as such belong to a collection yard (if it accepts construction waste) or are transported by specialist companies in large-capacity containers.
wired glassconstructionWired glass is collected as construction waste. Therefore it can be taken to a collection yard or to companies dealing with its further disposal.
scourermetals, residualSteel scourers can be sorted together with other metal waste. A scourer made from combined materials belongs to the residual waste.
wiremetalsSmall metal wires without insulation can be collected together with other metal waste (i.e. small wires into metal collection containers, large wires to collection yards or buy-off centres). Cables, i.e. wires with other material, are usually part of some devices, so they are e-waste and as such we can take them to a collection yard or put smaller pieces into e-waste collection containers.
woodbulkyWood from households can be part of furniture, construction – boards, squared timber; packaging – pallets, crates, boxes; or grown – branches, logs, stumps, etc. It must be handled accordingly. Wood is collected mainly in collection yards; you can hand over the grown wood in composting plants.
wood–plastic compositebulky, residualWood–plastic composite is a special waste which could be processed by its producers. However, it's not used in such a quantity for its separate collection to make sense. You can hand it over at a collection yard or as part of the collection of bulky waste into large-capacity containers. Small pieces and cuttings are residual waste.
sinkmetals, bulkyIt depends on the material a sink is made from. We can take a metal sink to a buy-off centre. Any sink can then be taken to a collection yard.
particle boardsbulky, constructionBoards used as part of furniture or shelves are bulky waste that should be taken to a collection yard or handed over to large-capacity bulky waste containers. If the boards were part of a structure, it's construction waste.
bicycle inner tuberesidualBicycle inner tubes are rubber and belong to residual waste.
DVD driveelectrical wasteDVD drives, like other PC parts, are e-waste and are collected together with it. DVDs are sorted in the same way as CDs.
electronic cigaretteelectrical wasteElectronic cigarettes need to be treated like other e-waste. To dispose of them, use an e-waste collection container, take-back in shops or a collection yard.
e-wasteelectrical wasteE-waste means end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment. E-waste can be taken to take-back points free of charge. The basic division is into small and large; small e-waste can be put into street e-waste collection containers, while large e-waste belongs to a collection yard. Electronic shops are required to collect e-waste free of charge when purchasing the same type of product "item for item".
eternitconstructionEnernit must be treated in the same way as asbestos - put it carefully into plastic bags and take it to a collection yard that accepts it or to companies focused on its removal. Disposal may be subject to a fee.
hairdryerelectrical wasteA broken hairdryer is a typical example of e-waste. It belongs to collection points, e.g. in an e-waste collection container or a collection yard. Take-back in shops can be used when buying a new one.
filmstripresidualFilmstrip belongs to residual waste. We should take a larger number of filmstrips to a collection yard.
coffee filterbio waste, residual, metalsThe most common paper coffee filters, together with coffee grounds, can be safely put into organic waste, i.e. into bins, containers or composters. Cotton filters belong to residual waste. Metal filters can be sorted together with other metal waste.
carbon filterresidualCarbon filters can be found in air and water filtration across industries. Carbon filters used in household appliances belong to residual waste. Large carbon filters in companies are dealt with by companies that deal with the equipment.
filter paperresidual, hazardousUsed filter paper is contaminated paper and as such belongs to residual waste. If the filter paper is contaminated with a hazardous substance, it is hazardous waste.
felt-tip penresidualDry or otherwise non-functional felt-tips are residual waste.
cameraelectrical wasteA camera is e-waste and as such belongs to take-back points, i.e. collection yards, street e-waste collection containers or shops.
photographresidualPut photos in a residual waste bin.
terrycloth itemstextile, residualWashed, clean and packed in a plastic bag, they belong in a textile collection container. But parts of them can still be used as rags at home and then thrown away in residual waste.
food packagingpaper, plastic, residualPut heavily soiled food containers and food containers made from plastic-coated paper in residual waste. You can sort clean plastic containers together with other plastics. Put clean paper or sugar cane food containers without plastic coating into the paper. Large-capacity food containers are usually reusable. When they break, they can be sorted depending on the material they are made of - together with plastic or metal waste.
recordsresidualPreserved records can certainly be offered in second-hand shops or through an ad. Damaged records should be placed in the residual waste or large quantities to a collection yard.
eraserresidualYou can throw a dry or otherwise non-functional eraser into the residual waste.
elastic hair-tiesresidualHair elastic hair-ties aren't separately sorted and processed. So they are residual waste.
garden hoseresidual, bulkyA garden hose is usually bulky waste. A small piece of hose could be thrown into a regular bin, but several metres of perished hoses have their place in collection yards or as part of the collection of bulky waste in large-capacity containers.
ragtextile, residualWashed, clean and packed in a plastic bag, they belong in a textile collection container. Contaminated rags belong to residual waste or hazardous if they have been contaminated with a hazardous substance.
fire extinguishermetalsFire extinguishers are a large pressure vessel. It's best to take them to a company that deals with their sale and inspections. Alternatively, take them to a collection yard. They must be professionally degraded (drilled) before further material use.
HDPE plasticplasticHDPE plastics, i.e. high density polyethylene, belong in a plastic collection container together with other plastic waste.
helmettextile, residualYou can dispose of a broken or otherwise non-functional helmet in residual waste. We should give a functional helmet to someone, either directly or through textile collection containers.
mineral bonded wood wool boardconstructionMineral bonded wood wool boards are construction waste, these should go to a collection yard that accepts them or you can hand them over to a company focused on the collection of construction waste. Disposal may be subject to a fee.
aluminiummetalsAluminium waste is sorted together with other metals. Therefore it can be added into a metal collection container, taken to a collection yard or handed over in a buy-off centre.
clocks and watchesresidual, another wasteMechanical clocks should be put in residual waste. Electronic clocks should be sorted together with e-waste.
kitchen spongeresidualUsed sponges can't be sorted into the residual waste.
toysresidual, plastic, electrical waste, textileWe should donate usable toys, either directly or through textile collection containers. Unusable toys are sorted depending on the type of material they are made from. Toys made of several materials are residual waste.
electronic toyselectrical wasteElectronic toys, like other electrical and electronic equipment, belong to e-waste. This means to the respective containers, shops or collection yards.
potsmetalsCooking pots are usually made from some kind of metal. As such, we sort them in the same way as other metal waste.
cupmetals, glass, plastic, residualIt always depends what material a cup is made of. Ceramic, stoneware and porcelain cups belong to residual waste.
nailsmetalsIf there is metal waste written on the container, you can throw nails in it. If there is metal packaging written on the container, the nails belong to a collection yard or a buy-off centre.
chemicalshazardousChemicals are hazardous waste that belong to a collection yard or mobile hazardous waste collection service.
coolanthazardousCoolant is a hazardous substance that belongs to a collection yard or mobile hazardous waste collection service.
plastic (LDPE) filmplasticPlastic bags and other types of films belong in a plastic collection container.
plastic bagplasticPlastic bags and other types of films belong in a plastic collection container.
infectious waste (masks, handkerchiefs, paper tissues)residual, hazardousInfectious household waste can be simply packed in a plastic bag and disposed of in residual waste. Infectious health care waste is listed as hazardous and hospitals have their own containers for it.
spice packethazardousMost of them are composite packaging, which belongs to residual waste. Some manufacturers pack spices in plastic or special paper bags, which they mark with a coloured container pictogram or a coloured dot identical to the colour of the correct separation container.
sheet waterproofing membraneconstructionA sheet waterproofing membrane is an example of construction waste and as such should be taken to a collection yard if accepted there. Alternatively, it is possible to order a container from specialist companies for its removal. Disposal may be subject to a fee.
taperesidualAll types of adhesive tapes contain an adhesive that contaminates the base material. So they can't be sorted and belong to residual waste.
disposable wet wipesresidualDisposable wipes are made from non-woven fabric or paper. So they are residual waste when used.
foodbio waste, residual, gastrointestinal wasteFood and kitchen scraps of plant origin belong to organic waste. Food containing animal products belongs to residual waste or to containers for the collection of food waste.
ticketpaperTickets printed on normal paper belong to paper waste.
cableselectrical wasteCables are e-waste and should therefore be put (if a small amount) in a street e-waste collection container. We should take a larger amount of cable to a collection yard. (see wires)
wall calendarpaperWall calendar belongs to paper waste. If a calendar has other materials that are easy to remove, we should remove them before sorting.
desk calendarpaperIf we remove the metal ring binders from a calendar, we can sort the rest into paper waste.
syringesresidualSyringes are hazardous infectious waste. The doctor who prescribed their use should inform you about how to dispose of them. In medical facilities, they have separate containers for this type of waste. In other cases, they should be taken to a collection yard or mobile hazardous waste collection service.
dog/cat food pouchesresidualAs a rule, these pet treats are packed in composite packaging that belongs in residual waste when empty.
camping matresidualA damaged camping mat is an example of residual waste. But it can still serve well as an interlayer, for example used as a protection during transport.
camping mat with aluminium layerresidualA camping mat with a metal layer is, like a regular camping mat, residual waste.
juice boxbeverage cartonsMilk and juice boxes are collected in different ways in different places in the Czech Republic. Usually, the place for their collection should be marked with an orange sticker. These can be separate containers, collection together with another type of waste or collection in bags.
milk boxbeverage cartonsMilk and juice cartons are collected in different ways in different places in the Czech Republic. Usually, the place for their collection should be marked with an orange sticker. These can be separate containers, collection together with another type of waste or collection in bags.
cardboard boxpaperCardboard boxes can be thrown into a paper collection container. However, we should always compress them so they take up less space in the container. If we have too many boxes to fit in the container, we should visit a collection yard or a buy-off centre with them.
Silicone and sealant cartridgesplastic, construction, residualThese plastic containers can be disposed of completely empty in a plastic container. In the case of larger quantities, we recommend taking them to the collection yard. If the container is not completely used up, it can be disposed of in the mixed waste. Always read the information on the packaging that applies to the specific product.
coffee groundsbio wasteCoffee grounds are waste of plant origin and as such can be sorted into compost or into organic waste collection containers.
coffee machineelectrical wasteA coffee machine is a perfect example of e-waste that can be placed in special containers for e-waste, handed over in shops as part of take-back or taken to a collection yard.
empty ink cartridgeelectrical wasteEmpty ink cartridges belong in a collection box as part of take-back or it can be taken to companies that deal with recycling them. As a last resort, it ends up in residual waste.
disposable coffee cuppaper, plasticAn empty plastic coffee cup can be placed in a container together with other plastic waste. If you want to fit a large number of cups in the container, we recommend putting them in each other. Paper cups can be sorted as paper waste.
yogurt cupplastic, paperIt depends on the material a cup is made of. Sort plastic cups into plastic waste; if they contain a paper cover, tear it off and throw it into paper waste. Always try to put the cups inside each other. You can save a lot of space in containers. Glass cups belong in a glass collection container - with a lid or you can put a metal lid in metal collection containers.
ceramicsresidualCeramics are not sorted separately and belong to residual waste. A large amount of ceramics or bulky items belong in a collection yard.
35 mm filmresidual35 mm film belongs to residual waste.
keyboardelectrical wasteA keyboard is an example of e-waste that can be thrown into street e-waste collection containers, but also handed over as part of take-back or taken to a collection yard.
keysmetalsKeys can be put together with other metals, for example, in the appropriate street container.
bookspaperBooks are an example of waste that can be donated and sent for further use, whether in the form of second-hand bookshops, book booths or in another way. However, if they are heavily damaged books or those that no one is interested in anymore, they belong in paper waste, without the hardback which should be thrown into residual waste. Softback is not a problem when sorting.
carpetsbulkyAn unusable carpet is an example of bulky waste. So it can be disposed of in large-capacity containers in collection yards or as part of a mobile collection of bulky waste.
roller skatestextile, residualRoller skates are sports equipment that isn't sorted in a special way. The functional ones can be put into a textile collection container if the container is marked as such or donated or sold to someone. Non-functional ones belong to residual waste or a collection yard.
bicyclemetalsBicycles are mainly metal; if they're unusable, take them to a collection yard or a buy-off centre. But first you should dismantle the bike and separate the non-metal parts. If they can still be used by someone else, don't hesitate to offer and sell or donate them.
contact lensesresidualContact lenses belong to residual waste.
canmetalsCans are an example of metal waste and as such should be sorted together with metal waste into containers with a grey sticker, at collection yards or buy-off centres.
pet food cansmetalsPet food cans are an example of metal waste and as such should be sorted together with metal waste into containers with a grey sticker, at collection yards or buy-off centres.
corkwoodCork stoppers and other cork products fall into the wood category. But we can also try to find some original use for them.
cosmeticsplastic, glass, metals, residualEmpty packaging from cosmetics belongs to a container depending on the material they are made of. Dirty or otherwise contaminated cosmetic residues are residual waste. We can wipe them or squeeze out directly into a bag with residual waste.
bonesresidualBones are an example of residual waste. Some people mistakenly put them in biodegradable waste. The right place to throw them away is residual waste, i.e. an ordinary bin.
furtextile, residualUsable furs in a textile collection container, unusable furs as residual or bulky waste.
pizza boxespaper, residualClean pizza boxes belong in paper waste and dirty pizza boxes belong in residual waste. For example, if half of the box is dirty and the other half is clean, the box can be torn and then disposed of separately.
cigarette packpaper, residualThe pack itself can go into a paper collection container. Inner paper with a coating that prevents cigarettes from drying out quickly is residual waste. Plastic film from the pack can be sorted together with plastic waste.
plastic meat boxplastic, residualAn empty plastic meat box belongs to plastic waste. A box with the leftover meat belongs to residual waste, so does the soaked liquid absorber if there is one in the box.
matchboxpaper, residualThe most thorough way of sorting a matchbox is by tearing off the sides for striking a match and throwing them into residual waste. You can sort the rest of the box together with other paper waste.
creamsanother waste, plastic, glass, metalsEmpty cream packaging belongs to a container depending on the type of material they are made from. Dirty or otherwise contaminated cream residues are residual waste. We can wipe them with a napkin and throw them away with residual waste.
coated paperpaperLike other uncoated papers, coated paper also belongs in paper waste.
suitcasebulkyAn unusable suitcase is an example of bulky waste. So it can be disposed of in large-capacity containers in collection yards or as part of a mobile collection of bulky waste.
plastic kitchen utensilsplasticBroken plastic utensils belong in a plastic collection container.
cutlerymetals, wood, plasticMetal cutlery is an example of metal waste and as such should be sorted together with metal waste into containers with a grey sticker, at collection yards or buy-off centres.
kitchen applianceselectrical wasteWe treat electrical appliances like other e-waste; we can put them in special containers for e-waste, take them to shops as part of take-back or to a collection yard.
flower potplastic, metals, residualEmpty plastic flower pots can be put into a plastic collection container. Metal flower pots are collected together with other metal waste. Broken ceramic flower pots are residual waste.
flowersbio waste, plastic, residualFlowers belong to biodegradable waste, so we can throw them in a brown bin or put them in compost or in a composter. Artificial PVC flowers belong to residual waste, flowers made of other types of plastic can be sorted together with other plastic waste.
oil bottleplastic, glassIt's better to save an empty plastic oil bottle for later and then use it for collecting frying oil. You can then put it in containers for collecting used oils. If you rinse it, you can put it in a plastic collection container. Empty glass oil bottles can be thrown into a glass collection container.
sparkling wine bottleglassSparkling wine bottle belongs to a glass collection container, metal parts from the cap are metal waste. Plastic stopper can be thrown into plastic waste. Cork belongs to organic waste.
nail polishresidualNail polish bottles can never be completely emptied. So it's better to put it in residual waste.
hairspraymetalsEmpty metal pressure vessels belong in the container together with other metal waste.
laminate flooringconstructionIt can be regarded as bulky waste or as construction waste. Depending on this, there are different places where it can be stored. However, a collection yard is usually the right solution for both cases.
laminated paperresidualLaminated paper is a combination of paper and plastic and as such can't be sorted and can only be thrown in the residual waste.
LED lightselectrical wasteLight sources are a special type of e-waste mainly collected at collection yards. You can also put them in containers in some shops as part of take-back process.
fridgeelectrical wasteA fridge is a representative of the so-called white e-waste. This means bulky e-waste which is preferably taken to any collection yard that takes back electrical equipment. As part of take-back, fridges can also be taken to some shops or online shops when buying a new one. Disposing of it at a take-back point is free of charge.
medicinehazardousExpired or unused medicines are a special type of hazardous waste that can be handed over free of charge at a pharmacy.
cardboardpaperCardboard boxes can be thrown into a paper collection container. We should compress them so they take up less space in the container. If we have too many boxes to fit in the container, we should visit a collection yard or a buy-off centre with them.
adhesive taperesidualAll types of adhesive tapes contain an adhesive that contaminates the base material. So they can't be sorted and belong to residual waste.
adhesiveshazardous, residualAdhesives are usually hazardous waste. We should learn more about the properties of the adhesive and its packaging on the packaging. Residues of hazardous adhesives belong to a collection yard or mobile collection service, others to residual waste.
linoleumbulkyLinoleum is bulky waste, it belongs to a collection yard or large-capacity containers when collecting bulky waste.
lyehazardousLyes are hazardous waste and should therefore be disposed of at a collection yard or handed over as part of a mobile hazardous waste collection.
magnifying glassresidualA magnifying glass is usually made from a combination of plastic or metal and glass. So it is residual waste.
chandelierelectrical wasteA small light can be placed in an e-waste collection container. A large chandelier belongs to a collection yard.
ski bootsresidual, textileThey are sports equipment that isn't sorted in a special way. Functional boots can be put into a textile collection container if the container is marked as such or donated or sold to someone. Non-functional boots belong to residual waste or a collection yard.
ski polesmetals, residualMetal ski poles can be sorted together with other metal waste or rather at a collection yard or buy-off centre due to their length. Fibreglass or old bamboo poles belong to residual waste or, due to their length, they can be sorted at a collection yard or when collecting bulky waste.
skibulkyBroken or prehistoric skis that are no longer used are bulky waste and should be taken to a collection yard or handed over when bulky waste is collected.
magnetmetals, residualMagnets are made from mixtures of iron oxide and other admixtures. You can dispose of small magnets in street containers designed for metal collection. Large magnets would belong to a collection yard. Magnets made from magnetic sheet and other materials belong to residual waste.
magnetic tapesresidualMagnetic tapes are an example of residual waste. If you have many of them, we recommend taking them to a collection yard.
mattressbulkyA mattress is an example of bulky waste and therefore belongs to a collection yard or should be handed over as part of bulky waste collection.
ballsresidualBalls are all rubber or rubber combined with other material. So if they are no longer functional, we should dispose of them in the residual waste.
HDPE filmplasticHDPE bag is an example of plastic waste. see HDPE film
microwave ovenelectrical wasteA microwave oven is e-waste. So we should sort it at a collection yard or as part of take-back in shops. We can put a smaller one in a street e-waste collection container.
blenderelectrical wasteA blender is e-waste; it is usually a small appliance so it can be put it in a street e-waste collection container. Alternatively, it can be taken to a collection yard or handed over as part of take-back in shops.
mobile phoneelectrical wasteMobile phones are a very popular e-waste. Several events are held regarding their collection; you can definitely throw them into e-waste collection containers, hand them over as part of take-back in shops or take them to a collection yard.
polyurethaneresidual, bulkyPolyurethane is residual waste which is most often disposed of as a whole mattress. In this case, it's bulky waste that belongs to a collection yard. However, smaller pieces can be thrown into a residual waste bin.
monitorelectrical wasteMonitors are e-waste that do not belong in street containers. But we can hand them over as part of take-back in shops or take them to a collection yard.
dishwasherelectrical wasteDishwasher is a large e-waste that can be collected in shops within take-back, collection yards or as part of mobile e-waste collection.
chargerselectrical wasteChargers are small e-waste that can be placed in e-waste streets containers, handed over as part of take-back in shops or taken to a collection yard.
furniturebulkyUnusable furniture belongs to bulky waste. So you can take it to a collection yard or throw it into large containers as part of the mobile collection of this type of waste. Municipalities are obliged to sort usable components such as wood, metal and plastic from bulky waste from 1 January 2023, so it's correct to break the furniture into individual boards.
plasterresidualPlasters are residual waste; used plasters in hospitals are classified as infectious waste.
printer cartridgeelectrical wasteInk cartridges and toners belong in a collection box as part of take-back or can be taken to companies that deal with recycling them. As a last resort, it will end up in residual waste.
beverage cartonbeverage cartonsBeverage cartons are waste that consists of several materials, but due to their sufficient amount, they are collected separately or together with another type of waste (usually with plastic or paper waste). In any case, the container for collecting beverage cartons should be marked with an orange sticker. Beverage cartons are also collected in bags in some places.
shoe covers – protective CPEresidualShoe covers are not sorted and therefore end up in residual waste.
cigarette buttresidualCigarette residues are a clear example of residual waste. They can't be sorted or recycled. Also, it's the most common waste within littering.
neopreneresidualTorn or otherwise destroyed neoprene is an example of residual waste.
stainless-steelmetalsStainless-steel products can be sorted together with other metal waste. Smaller products can be stored in street containers for metal waste collection, while larger products can be taken to collection yards or buy-off centres.
non-woven fabricbulky, plastic, constructionCuts of pure non-woven fabric can be sorted into plastics, larger pieces of contaminated non-woven fabric are bulky or construction waste, depending on origin. Smaller contaminated pieces belong to residual waste.
newspaperpaperNewspaper, together with other paper, belong in paper collection containers. It's also a very popular waste in school collections and you can also take them to buy-off centres.
mobile phone caseresidualPhone cases can be made of various plastics, silicone, rubber, textile, wood, or even genuine or imitation leather. Most of these materials are not recycled and belong to residual waste.
pellet packagingplastic, paper, residualIt depends on what the packaging is made of; it's usually made of multiple materials (plastic and metal or paper and plastic or metal). These would belong to residual waste. Single-type plastic packaging can be sorted into plastic collection containers, single-type paper packaging together with paper waste. The same applies to easily detachable layers made of different materials.
PUR foam packaginghazardousThese are usually metal pressure vessels containing hazardous substances. They are therefore always taken to collection yards or can be handed in as part of a mobile hazardous waste collection. These containers can also be taken to some of their sellers who have special collection containers for them.
detergent packagingplastic, glass, hazardousDetergent packaging is sorted according to the material used. If it says it's hazardous waste, it's necessary to treat it as hazardous waste and hand them over at collection yards or as part of the mobile collection of this type of waste.
shampoo bottleplastic, glass, metalsEmpty shampoo bottles can be sorted into appropriate containers depending on their material.
envelopepaperPaper envelopes can be sorted together with other paper waste. We should tear off the plastic layer from padded envelopes and sort it separately into plastic waste.
ice cream tubsplasticMany households use ice cream tubs to store other food. If you don't find a use for them, sort them with other plastic waste.
clothingtextile, residualUseful textiles can be taken to street containers or donated to charity. Unusable clothes belong to residual waste.
anti-parasitic animal collarsresidualUsed anti-parasitic animal collars are residual waste.
paintingsresidual, bulkySmaller canvases can be thrown into residual waste on the street. Larger canvases are bulky waste and therefore belong to collection yards.
footweartextile, residualFunctional, complete and clean shoes can be thrown into a textile collection container. Damaged shoes belong to residual waste.
waste filter paperresidual, bio waste, hazardousContaminated paper does not belong in paper waste. Depending on what we have filtered with the paper, we may decide to dispose of it in organic, hazardous or residual waste.
windowsconstruction, glassOld windows are construction waste that is usually taken care of by the window replacement company. Otherwise, they belong to collection yards or to the ordered large-capacity container. Window panes can be sorted into glass, although they usually need to be handed over at the collection yard due to their larger volume.
cooking oiloilSome areas have bins for cooking oil on the streets, elsewhere it is necessary to take it to collection yards. In both cases, we recommend to add used oil into a PET bottle – preferably the one from the oil – and close it.
motor oilhazardousUsed oil is usually collected by car repair centres that ensure its change. If we change the oil ourselves, we should dispose of the old oil at collection yards or as part of hazardous waste collection.
Oil paintresidual, hazardousWe should look for the information where to dispose of paint on its packaging. It's usually hazardous waste that belongs to a collection yard or as part of a mobile hazardous waste collection.
wooden palletswoodEUR-pallets are bought by specialist traders. Disposable pallets are popular for DIY creations. Broken pallets and pallets that you're unable to re-use should be taken to a collection yard as wood waste.
paperpaperPaper is generally collected in blue containers in the Czech Republic or it can be taken to a buy-off centre or a collection yard. Heavily soiled paper belongs to residual waste.
paper boxpaperCardboard boxes can be thrown into a paper collection container. We should unfold or compress them so they take up less space in the container. If there are too many boxes to fit in the container, visit a collection yard or a buy-off centre with them.
paper handkerchiefs/tissues, wipesresidualDirty or wet wipes and used handkerchiefs belong to residual waste.
paper-plastic pastry bagpaper, plastic, residualThe paper part of a bag, which is not greasy, belongs to paper waste, the plastic part into plastic waste. Greasy paper part of the bag is residual waste.
paper cuppaper, residualAn empty and clean paper cup can be disposed of together with paper waste. Contaminated cups belong to residual waste.
paper pastry bagpaper, residualA paper bread or pastry bag can be thrown into paper waste - preferably without any plastic part. However, it's certainly not possible to sort a greasy bag in this way. It belongs to residual waste.
wooden toothpicksbio wasteThis type of small wood waste can be sorted into biodegradable waste or disposed of in compost or a compost bin.
stumpbio waste, bulkySmall stump pieces can be disposed of in organic waste. An entire large stump is non-biodegradable waste that belongs to collection yards.
crayonsresidualCrayons can't be sorted, so if they're unusable, they certainly belong to residual waste.
baking paperresidualUsed baking paper is a special kind of paper that belongs to residual waste.
PET bottleplasticPET bottles belong in the container together with other plastic waste. Before throwing them away, we should always compress them so as many as possible fit in the container.
firecrackershazardousWaste from pyrotechnic (explosive) goods is hazardous waste. The right place to dispose of this waste is a collection yard or mobile hazardous waste collection.
sawdustbio waste, residualSawdust from untreated wood is biodegradable waste. If you have sawdust from painted wood, chipboard or materials other than natural wood, it's residual waste. Attention! Do not throw sawdust into the fire, it may form an explosive mixture when mixed with air.
tweezersmetals, plasticMetal tweezers belong to a metal collection container, plastic ones to plastic waste.
posterpaperWe can sort posters together with other paper waste.
plasticplasticPlastics are usually collected in yellow containers or bags in the Czech Republic. We recommend taking any amount that could fill the entire container to a collection yard.
plastic bagplasticPlastic bags and other types of films belong in a plastic collection container.
plastic sorting bagplasticThese bags are designed for long-term use, but they will break one day. Then they can be placed into a plastic collection container.
raincoatplastic, residualThin polyethylene raincoats can be thrown into a plastic collection container. Thicker PVC raincoats belong to residual waste.
credit cardresidualWe recommend that you always cut credit cards before throwing them away. They are residual waste.
egg cartonpaperEgg carton belongs to paper waste; a sorting line decides whether it has customers for it. Some people tear them and put them in the compost.
Baking traymetalsBaking trays belongs to metal waste. However, it usually doesn't fit in the container, so the right place to take it is a collection yard or a buy-off centre.
cansmetalsCans belong to a metal collection container. We always recommend compressing them to fit as many as possible in the container.
nappiesresidualNappies are a typical example of residual waste.
acrylic glassresidual, bulkySmall pieces of acrylic glass are residual waste. Large pieces belong to bulky waste, and should be taken to a collection yard or handed over during the mobile collection of bulky waste.
floating floorconstructionA Floating floor is an example of construction waste. When replacing it, we should order a large-capacity container from a specialist company. Alternatively, we can take this waste to a collection yard.
plush toystextile, residualWe should donate usable toys, either directly or through textile collection containers. Unusable toys belong to residual waste.
tyrestiresTyres are a type of waste where collection is done in the form of take-back. Tyres are collected mainly in tyre centres, but there are also a number of collection yards and places that can be used to dispose of them.
computerelectrical wasteComputers are e-waste that we can drop off at retailers. We can put them in collection yards and small computers or laptops can be put in street e-waste collection containers.
computer mouseelectrical wasteA computer mouse is an e-waste example that can be disposed of in red containers on the streets. When disposing of them, we can also use take-back in shops or take them to collection yards.
postcardspaper, residualUncoated postcards can be put in paper waste. Laminated postcards belong to residual waste.
sofabulkyA sofa is bulky waste. Therefore take it to a collection yard or can be handed over during the bulky waste collections. For usable sofas, the best option is to offer them for further use.
metal pot-lidmetalsMetal lids are examples of classic metal waste. So we can take them to a collection yard, a buy-off centre or, if it fits, to metal collection container.
glass pot-lidresidualBroken glass lids are thrown into residual waste. The glass used for their production has properties different from regular packaging glass. Its sorting into regular glass collection containers is therefore incorrect.
shelfbulkyShelves are bulky waste. They belong to a collection yard or can be handed over during the collection of bulky waste. For usable shelves, the best option is to offer them for further use.
polypropyleneplasticPolypropylene (PP) is one of the most widespread types of plastics, products made of it can be easily sorted together with other plastic waste.
polystyreneplastic, constructionThere are several types of polystyrene (PS). Most types, as other plastic waste, belong in the appropriate container - usually the yellow one. The exception is construction polystyrene, which belongs to a collection yard together with other construction waste.
stove ashresidualAsh is a typical residual waste. So it can't be sorted.
porcelainresidualPorcelain and ceramics can't be sorted and they belong to residual waste.
bedbulkyBeds are bulky waste. So, they belong to a collection yard or can be handed over during the collection of bulky waste. For usable beds, the best option is to offer them for further use.
food grade aluminium foilmetalsAluminium foil can be sorted together with other metal waste into appropriate containers.
food grade plastic filmplastic, residualPlastic film belongs to plastic waste. When it's contaminated with food residues, it's better to throw it into residual waste.
expired foodresidual, bio waste, gastrointestinal wasteExpired food from households should be put in the residual waste. Those that are of plant origin can be treated as organic waste or compost. If there's a collection of food waste in your municipality, it's possible to dispose of food there, but only without packaging.- When disposing of expired food in restaurants or scraps from shops, this waste is included in food waste. In any case, packaging from expired food should be sorted separately depending on the material it is made of.
power bankelectrical wastePower banks are e-waste and we can put them in e-waste collection containers or as part of take-back in shops or at collection yards.
washing machineelectrical wasteA washing machine is an example of a large electrical appliance. As such, we can hand it over as part of take-back at electronic shops or take it to collection yards.
condomresidualA condom is an example of residual waste.
pensresidualPens are usually made of varying materials. If we can separate the individual materials, we can sort them. However, in its entirety, it belongs to residual waste.
bed sheettextile, residualFunctional and uncontaminated bed sheets can be disposed of in textile collection containers. A dirty or torn sheet belongs to residual waste.
insect killershazardousInsect killers are usually hazardous waste, as such they belong to a collection yard or can be handed over as part of a mobile hazardous waste collection.
burnt oiloilSome areas have bins for cooking oil on the streets, elsewhere it is necessary to take it to collection yards. In both cases, it is recommended to use PET bottles for oil keeping – preferably oil bottles.
knife and forkmetals, plastic, bio waste, residualDepending on the material use. Metal cutlery can usually be collected in a container together with other metal waste. Plastic cutlery belongs to plastic waste. Wooden cutlery can be disposed of in organic waste or put in compost. Other types of cutlery from combined materials belong to residual waste.
PVC pipesconstructionPVC pipes are construction waste. As such, they are generally collected at collection yards.
tea bagsbio waste, residualPaper tea bags can be composted or put in organic waste bins. Plastic tea bags belong to residual waste.
radioelectrical wasteSmall radios can be disposed of in street e-waste collection containers. We can take all radios to a collection yard or back to the shop as part of take-back.
picture framesplastic, residualPlastic frames can be sorted together with other plastic waste, other types of frames belong to residual waste. If these are large frames, we should take them to a collection yard like other bulky waste.
stampsresidualStamps can't be sorted and belong to residual waste.
repellenthazardousRepellents are hazardous waste, as such they belong to a collection yard or we can hand them over as part of a mobile hazardous waste collection.
respiratorresidualUsed protective equipment belongs to residual waste. We should put them in a plastic bag before throwing them away. Hospital protective equipment in hospitals is treated as infectious waste.
window blindsbulkyWindow blinds are bulky waste and belong to a collection yard or can be handed over as part of bulky waste collection. Small blinds can be thrown away in residual waste.
plantsbio wasteAll plants can be thrown into organic waste collection containers, put in compost or in a composter or taken to a collection yard.
face maskresidualUsed protective equipment belongs to residual waste. We should put them in a plastic bag before throwing them away. Hospital protective equipment is treated as infectious waste.
toweltextile, residualWe can put usable towels to textile collection containers or hand them over for further use by giving them to someone.
rubber glovesresidualRubber gloves can't be sorted and are residual waste.
disposable glovesresidualRubber gloves can't be sorted and are residual waste.
toilet paper tubespaperToilet paper tubes are usually made from low-quality paper. However, it's correct to sort them into containers together with other paper waste. Depending on the current market situation and the possibilities of customers, they will decide on their further use on a sorting line.
mascararesidualMascara packaging, regardless of the material, is always heavily soiled and is therefore residual waste.
thinnerhazardousThinners are hazardous waste, so this is collected at collection yards or as part of a mobile hazardous waste collection.
polyethylene bagsplasticPolyethylene bags are made of polyethylene and belong to plastic waste.
crisps (chips) packetplasticAs a rule, it's a plastic packaging that can be sorted into a yellow container.
coffee capsulesresidual, plastic, paperPlastic capsules belong to residual waste because they also contain coffee grounds. You can sort aluminium capsules into metal waste only if it's explicitly stated on the containers. If you dismantle the capsules, use the coffee grounds for compost or dispose of them in in organic waste; you can sort the capsules by material.
plasterboardconstructionPlasterboard is construction waste and as such belongs to a collection yard that accepts it. During extensive reconstruction, we recommend ordering a large-capacity container from a company dealing with construction waste management. Disposal may be subject to a fee.
stickerresidualStickers, including their pads, cannot be sorted and belong to residual waste.
sledgebulkyIf a sledge can no longer be used, it belongs to bulky waste due to its size. So we should take it to a collection yard or hand them over as part of the mobile collection of this waste.
mowerelectrical waste, bulkyElectric mowers can be returned to dealers as part of the take-back process. All mowers can be taken to collection yards.
notebookpaperYou can sort notebooks together with other paper waste. That is, to the appropriate street containers, taken to buy-off centres or collection yards.
soda chargersmetalsEmpty disposable whipped cream or soda chargers belong to metal waste. If the packaging doesn't say otherwise, you can throw them into a metal waste collection container or take them to a collection yard. If you come across returnable chargers, they should be returned to the shop where they are sold.
siliconehazardous, residualSilicone containing certain hazardous substances belongs to collection yards as hazardous waste. Other silicone materials can't be sorted, so they belong to residual waste. You have to follow the information on the packaging.
nylonsresidualTorn nylons can't be sorted and belong to residual waste. However, some people use them, for example, when dyeing Easter eggs.
bale net (polypropylene)plasticMany types of waste are generated in agriculture and most of them can be sorted. This is also the case with plastic nets that can be sorted together with plastic waste.
plastic fruit or vegetable netplasticThese nets can be placed in containers intended for plastic collection.
skateboardresidual, bulkySkateboards are made of several materials. Therefore a non-functional skateboard is residual waste. Large skateboards are bulky waste. If a skateboard is functional or repairable giving it to someone else is a better option.
glass woolconstructionGlass wool is classified as construction waste. As such, it belongs to a collection yard which accepts it or, during major reconstruction, it makes sense to order a large-capacity container for construction waste directly to the construction site. Disposal may be subject to a fee.
glassesglassVarious glasses belong to glass collection containers. If clear and coloured glass is collected separately, most glasses belong to clear glass.
glassglassGlass is a type of waste that is usually collected in green containers in the Czech Republic. White containers are also used in places where coloured and clear glass are sorted separately.
laboratory glasswareresidualLaboratory glassware has different chemical properties than standard packaging glass. In addition, this type of waste is not generated much, so there is no separate collection for it. Laboratory glassware is residual waste.
plate glassglassSmall pieces of plate glass can be thrown into a street glass collection container. If clear and coloured glass is collected separately in your place, choose a coloured glass collection container in this case. Large pieces of plate glass belong to a collection yard. If we have our windows glazed, the glazier will take care of the old glass.
glass ceramicsresidual, another wasteGlass ceramics are mainly used for roasting pans or hobs. If a roasting pan fits in a residual waste bin, we can put it in it. Otherwise, both of these types of waste can be taken to a collection yard. We could also get rid of glass-ceramic hobs as part of take-back in shops.
eggshellsbio wasteEggshells belong to organic waste. We can also compost them in home compost or in a composter. Those who don't have compost should dispose of them in a organic waste collection container.
headphoneselectrical wasteHeadphones can be disposed of in street e-waste collection containers or handed over as part of take-back in shops.
fruit and vegetable skin/peelbio wasteFruit and vegetable skin belongs to organic waste. We can also compost them in home compost or in a composter. Those who don't have compost should dispose of them in a organic waste collection container.
sleeping backtextileFunctional sleeping bags can be sorted into a textile collection container. Non-functional ones belong to residual waste or if they don't fit in the bin due to their size, we should take them to a collection yard.
tenttextileFunctional tents can be sorted into a textile collection container or donated for further use. Non-functional tents belong to residual waste or if they don't fit in the bin due to their size, we should take them to a collection yard. Aluminium tent poles can be sorted together with metal waste.
fluorescent starterelectrical wasteStarters can be disposed of in street e-waste containers or handed over at collection yards or in shops as part of take-back.
construction wasteconstructionConstruction waste is a special type of waste that municipalities aren't obliged to collect. Nevertheless, it's usually collected in collection yards. Another way to manage this waste is to order a large-capacity container from a waste management company. Note that its disposal is usually subject to a fee.
pet beddingresidual, bio wasteIt always depends on the material the bedding is made from. Natural materials such as hay, shavings and sawdust can be composted or disposed of in organic waste collection containers. Other materials belong to residual waste.
artificial Christmas treebulkyAn artificial Christmas tree is bulky waste, so we should take it to a collection yard or hand it over during mobile bulky waste collection.
Christmas treebio wasteChristmas trees are a special kind of organic waste. It is necessary to remove all ornaments that are not organic waste. The collection of trees after Christmas is announced in many municipalities; they are taken to designated places, e.g. at containers for residual waste. If a municipality doesn't organise such collections, it's necessary to take them to a collection yard or a composting plant. Cut it into smaller pieces, and put it in an organic waste collection container or in compost.
gratermetals, glass, plasticA grater can be made of different materials. Sorting depends on it. The most common are metal graters which can be sorted together with metal waste. Plastic graters belong in plastic waste and glass graters belong in glass collection containers.
roof tilesconstructionRoof tiles are construction waste. So if they are unusable and no one is interested in them, take them to a collection yard that accepts them or order a large-capacity construction waste container to dispose of them. Disposal may be subject to a fee.
tablebulkyTables are an example of bulky waste. It belongs to a collection yard or can be handed over during the mobile collection of bulky waste. If possible, try to remove the top from the legs to save space in containers. We could take a metal table to a buy-off centre.
rubbleconstructionRubble is construction waste; therefore take it to a collection yard that accepts it or order a large-capacity construction waste container for its disposal. Disposal may be subject to a fee.
lightselectrical wasteLight fittings are e-waste so you can return them within take-back in shops, smaller ones can be thrown into street e-waste collection containers or taken to a collection yard.
candlesresidualWe should try to make use of candles. If there is still some wax left, it belongs to residual waste. For example, there are rare activities where beeswax is collected in special containers.
used aluminium tea light candlesmetalsYou can sort aluminium cups from candles together with other metal waste.
used plastic candlesplasticYou can sort plastic cups from used candles together with other plastic waste.
glow in the dark wristbandsresidualGlow in the dark wristbands and sticks belong to residual waste once they're used.
binderspaper, residualPure paper binders can be sorted as paper waste. Any metal parts should be removed from binders and sorted as metal waste; binders coated with plastic film or imitation leather should be put into residual waste.
cigarette stubresidualCigarette residues are a clear example of residual waste. They can't be sorted or recycled. Also, it's the most common waste within littering.
screwsmetalsIf there is metal waste written on the container, you can throw screws into it. If there is metal packaging written on the container, screws belong to a collection yard or a buy-off centre.
tabletelectrical wasteYou should return a broken tablet to street e-waste collection containers as part of take-back or take it to a collection yard.
platesresidualPlates made of porcelain, ceramic or cooking glass belong to residual waste. You can sort metal or plastic plates into appropriate containers. Don't hesitate to take any plates in large quantities to a collection yard.
tamponsresidualTampons and other hygiene products are residual waste.
cleansing padsresidualPads and other cosmetic products are residual waste.
wallpaperspaper, residual, bulkyYou can throw away the rest of unused paper wallpaper in paper waste. Removed wallpaper, wallpaper with glue or wallpaper other than paper belong to residual waste in small amounts or a collection yard if in large amount.
Teflon cookwaremetals, residualYou can throw away a Teflon pan and other cookware in a metal collection container or take them to a collection yard. Most of it is metal and Teflon is only a surface finish. If you want to dispose of a Teflon baking sheet or other product made entirely of Teflon, dispose of it in residual waste.
athletic tapesresidualTapes belong to residual waste.
TVelectrical wasteTV is e-waste that doesn't fit into street containers. The right place to dispose of it is a collection yard or electronic shops as part of take-back.
PaintresidualDry paints are residual waste.
thermometerhazardous, electrical waste, residualMedical thermometers can be returned to pharmacies. Electronic thermometers belong to e-waste collection containers or can be returned to the seller as part of take-back. Most thermometers today no longer contain mercury and can therefore go into residual waste. Old mercury thermometers are hazardous waste and the right place to dispose of them is a collection yard or mobile collection of hazardous waste.
thermo mugmetals, residualAll-metal mugs are collected together with metal waste. Multi-material thermo mugs are residual waste.
thermal paperresidualThermal paper is a special kind of paper. In this type of paper should contain bisphenol A, so they belong to residual waste. To avoid this type of waste, we can use electronic receipts.
thermos flaskmetals, residualAll-metal thermos flasks are collected together with metal waste. Multi-material thermos flasks are residual waste.
beverage cartons
textiletextileTextile is a separate type of waste which is generally collected in street containers. Municipalities will be obliged to ensure its separate collection from 2025.
printerelectrical wasteSmall printers can be put into e-waste collection containers. Other printers can be handed over in shops as part of take-back or taken to a collection yard.
toilet bowlbulkyA toilet bowl is an example of bulky waste. We should take it to a collection yard or put it in a large-capacity container for this type of waste.
tonerelectrical wasteEmpty toners belong to a collection yard or can be returned to some retailers as part of the take-back process. Original toners can be refurbished - they are refilled with a new powder.
toasterelectrical wasteA toaster is an example of e-waste that fits into street containers and should be disposed of in this way. They can also be taken to a collection yard or handed over in shops as part of take-back.
toothpaste/cream tubeplastic, metals, residualCompletely empty plastic tubes belong in a plastic collection container, metal tubes belong in a metal collection container; tubes made from several materials are residual waste.
pill bottlesplastic, metals, residual, hazardousCompletely empty plastic bottles belong in a plastic collection container, metal bottles belong in a metal collection container; bottles made of several materials are residual waste. Bottles with unused medicine belong to the pharmacy.
pencilsresidualPencils are residual waste. If we want to throw it away, it can't be sorted.
receiptpaper, residualPaper receipts can be sorted together with paper waste. To prevent this type of waste, we may activate electronic receipt sending with some shops.
formicaconstructionFormica is an unusable waste in terms of material. It's generated as construction waste, especially during the reconstruction of blocks of flats. We should take it to a collection yard that accepts it or order a large-capacity construction waste container. Disposal may be subject to a fee.
washbasinbulkyA washbasin is a bulky waste. We should take it to a collection yard or put it in a large-capacity container for this type of waste.
USB flash driveselectrical wasteUSB flash drives are e-waste. We can throw them into a street e-waste collection container, hand them over as part of take-back in shops or take them to a collection yard. In any case, we should remove sensitive data stored on them.
bathtubbulky, metalsBathtub is a bulky waste. We can take it to a collection yard or dispose of it in a large-capacity bulky waste container. We can also take metal bathtubs to a buy-off centre.
aluminium pet food containersmetalsAluminium containers are metal waste and we can sort them into appropriate containers, take them to a collection yard or a buy-off centre.
Christmas ornamentsresidual, bio wasteMost Christmas ornaments are residual waste. Straw ornaments can be composted or taken to organic waste collection containers.
Christmas lightselectrical wasteLight chains are e-waste that can be put in street containers. Alternatively, they can be returned to the seller as part of take-back or taken to a collection yard.
hobelectrical wasteHob is an e-waste that doesn't fit into street containers. The right place to dispose of it is a collection yard or electronic shops as part of take-back.
ovenproof glassresidualOvenproof glass is a special type of glass that melts at high temperatures. So it doesn't belong to glass collection containers, but to residual waste.
wooden spoonbio wasteWooden spoons are biodegradable, so there are organic waste collection containers, a collection yard or a composting plant. It can also be classified as waste wood and handed over for recycling.
cotton woolresidualCotton wool can't be sorted and belongs to residual waste.
cotton budsresidualCotton buds can't be sorted and belong to residual waste.
vasesresidual, glass, metalsIn the case of a vase, it depends primarily on the material from which it is made - ceramic, porcelain or multi-material vases belong to residual waste. Other types of vases belong to respective containers.
fanselectrical wasteA small broken fan can be disposed of in street e-waste collection containers. Always take large fans to a collection yard or to electronic shops and return it as part of take-back.
yogurt lidsmetals, plasticAluminium lids belong in a metal collection container – it is best to put them in an aluminium can. Plastic lids can be left on a cup and sorted together into a plastic collection container. The best way to distinguish an aluminium lid from a plastic one is that it does not straighten after bending.
PET bottle capsplasticCaps are now made to remain on the bottle. The best way to sort them is to throw the caps together with bottles into the appropriate container.
beer capsmetalsMetal caps and other metal closures are best sorted together with metal waste into street containers.
jar lidsmetalsMetal lids and other metal closures are best sorted together with metal waste into street containers.
VHS video cassettesresidualVideo cassettes are made of multiple materials and as such are residual waste. We recommend taking a larger number of video cassettes to a collection yard.
vinyl recordsresidualVinyl records are residual waste. We should take larger quantities to a collection yard. However, if they are not destroyed, we recommend offering them for further use first. Paper covers belong to paper waste.
hairresidualHair is waste that can't be sorted - is residual waste.
wet wipesresidualDisposable wipes are made from non-woven fabric or paper. So they are residual waste when used.
menstrual padsresidualMenstrual pads and other hygiene products belong to residual waste.
candle waxresidualWe should try to make use of candles. If there is still some wax left, it belongs to residual waste. There are rare activities within which beeswax is collected in special containers, for example.
wax paperresidualWax paper is residual waste that can't be sorted.
vacuum cleanerelectrical wasteYou can put a malfunctioning handheld vacuum cleaner in a street e-waste collection container. All vacuum cleaners can be taken to a collection yard or handed over as part of take-back in electronic shops.
lighterresidual, hazardousA lighter that can't be refilled or is broken is residual waste if it's completely empty. A lighter containing flammable filling residues belongs to hazardous waste or to a collection yard.
fluorescent lampselectrical wasteA network of collection points is used to collect all types of fluorescent lamps and light bulbs, which are generally located in shops and collection yards.
jarsglassJars are a suitable packaging for reuse. If they don't break, they can be washed and refilled. However, if we want to get rid of them, a clear glass collection container is the right place for them. Alternatively, a glass collection container without colour distinction.
curtains and net curtainstextileYou can put clean curtains and net curtains in a textile collection container.
firearmsanother wasteDisposal of firearms and ammunition is subject to the act on firearms and ammunition. Only the state is authorised to carry out the official destruction of a firearm. Firearms or ammunition can be handed over for official destruction through the appropriate police department.
food scrapsbio waste, residual, gastrointestinal wasteFood and kitchen scraps of plant origin are organic waste. Food containing animal products belongs to residual waste. Regarding restaurants, a food waste bin is the right category for food scraps.
soilconstructionSoil or earth is construction waste. It's possible to use it without any problems on your own land. In other cases, it can only be handed over to companies that handle construction waste. A certificate of elimination of hazardous properties is usually required and must be paid by the originator.
spoiled meatresidual, gastrointestinal wasteFood containing animal products belongs to residual waste. Regarding restaurants, a food waste bin is the right category for these food scraps.
mirrorresidualBroken mirrors belong to residual waste; large mirrors or larger quantities should be taken to a collection yard.
toothbrushesplastic, bio waste, residualPlastic toothbrushes can be sorted into plastic waste, bamboo ones can be composted after cutting off the plastic bristles. Bioplastic toothbrushes belong to residual waste.
toothpasteplastic, metals, residualCompletely empty plastic tubes belong in a plastic collection container, metal tubes belong in a metal collection container; tubes made of several materials are residual waste.
magnifying glassresidualMagnifying glass is usually made of a combination of plastic or metal and glass. So it's residual waste.
Venetian blindsresidual, bulkySmall blinds can be thrown away in residual waste. Large blinds should be taken to a collection yard. If they're still usable, we recommend offering them for further use first.
halogen lampelectrical wasteA network of collection points is used to collect all types of fluorescent lamps and light bulbs, which are located mainly in shops and collection yards.
LED bulbelectrical wasteA network of collection points is used to collect all types of fluorescent lamps and light bulbs, which are located mainly in shops and collection yards.
regular bulbelectrical wasteA network of collection points is used to collect all types of fluorescent lamps and light bulbs, which are located mainly in shops and collection yards.
Fluorescent Light bulb (CFL)electrical wasteA network of collection points is used to collect all types of fluorescent lamps and light bulbs, which are located mainly in shops and collection yards.
laddermetals, woodA wooden ladder without metal parts is clearly waste wood, and should be taken to a collection yard. A metal ladder can be taken to a buy-off centre.
ironing boardmetals, bulkyAn ironing board is a bulky waste that doesn't fit in a standard bin. It's not a mistake if we take it to a collection yard or hand it over as part of a mobile bulky waste collection. We can also take the metal structure to a buy-off centre.
ironelectrical wasteIron is an example of small e-waste that can be thrown into a street e-waste collection container. Disposal in the form of take-back in shops or collection yards is also an option.
ironmetalsIron and steel are widespread metal materials; small pieces can be disposed of in a metal collection container. The larger pieces belong to a collection yard or a buy-off centre.
chairsbulkyChairs are bulky waste that can be taken to a collection yard or handed over as part of mobile collection. Metal chairs can be taken to a buy-off centre.
razor bladesresidualRazor blades are residual waste.

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