It’s just the latest fad that passes

Sorting waste isn’t trendy. It’s about social responsibility and everyone should sort it. In fact, waste has been sorted from time immemorial.

Recoverable waste (especially agricultural) was further processed in previous centuries. People, especially in villages, rarely threw anything, waste was recovered. For example, waste from kitchens – everything from shells to potato peels was used. Some of us surely remember the time when plastic shopping bags were rare and regularly rinsed them with water so that they could be used over and over.

Waste sorting spread in the 1950s through collection school competitions, where mainly paper and metals were collected. We saw the first glass containers in the 1970s and we began to see coloured containers for other types of waste in the 1990s. Compared to other European countries, the Czech Republic’s waste sorting system is set-up efficiently and comfortably for citizens so that sorting isn’t a problem, but an easy way to recycle the recoverable components of municipal waste.

Waste production increases annually and it’s necessary to ensure that recoverable raw materials are recycled and used again. In addition, the Czech Republic has to meet the recycling targets set by EU legislation and regulations every year. All waste sorting and recycling obligations are stipulated in the Czech Republic Waste Act.



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