In the Czech Republic, coloured containers and bins are most commonly used for waste sorting. They can have different colours and designs. Plastic containers and bins with a lid are most commonly used, followed by bell-shaped fibreglass containers. In city centres, you often find underground and semi-underground containers. Plastic containers usually have a capacity of 1,100 litres, while bell-shaped fibreglass containers and underground containers can have larger capacities of up to 5,000 litres. Metal containers used for bulky waste or transport of sorted waste can handle volumes of up to 40,000 litres. The container choice is decided by the municipality in collaboration with the waste collection company, as different collection vehicles are used for each container type. Wheelie bins and containers are emptied by pouring out and conventional garbage vehicles are used for their operation. Bell-shaped and underground containers need to be lifted and emptied by opening the bottom. This requires a vehicle with a hydraulic arm and a large metal container.
In the Czech Republic, the colours of bins and containers are used to facilitate waste sorting. Typically, black is used for mixed municipal waste, yellow for plastics, blue for paper, green and white for glass. Grey usually indicates metal collection, orange is associated with beverage cartons, brown bins are for organic waste or food waste, and red bins are for electronic waste. This distinction applies to most regions of the Czech Republic. However, there may be local exceptions, so we should always pay attention to additional labels on the containers.
Containers and bins freely accessible on the streets are intended for residents only and represent the main way of municipal waste collection. Sole traders, businesses, and other institutions can use them only if permitted by the municipality based on a contractual agreement.
To find the nearest location for separate containers, we can use an application or website.
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