Information function

An important packaging function is to present product information. A lot of the information is optional and intended to help the consumer or during transport and storage. Some information on the packaging is given by legislation. For example, this applies to food and tobacco product packaging. We could say that the packaging information function is particularly important for people allergic to certain food types. The manufacturer may also include information on the packaging material. A number of icons and symbols are also commonly used on the packaging for clear orientation, regardless of the language used.

Transparency of packaging can also be the information function; thanks to it, we can check whether the product is good and of the required quality.

The information is printed directly on the packaging or placed on self-adhesive labels, covers, tags or also on plastic sleeves in the case of bottles.

The information function can also include a marketing function, where marketing experts try to convince us to buy a specific product based on the packaging design.



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