It’s dumped in one pile anyway

No! After sorting, the different types of sorted waste are never mixed together. No one is interested in dumping waste together in landfills as every tonne of waste deposited there is paid for nowadays.

There are enough processors in the Czech Republic who process the sorted waste either into a secondary raw material that is further traded or into finished products that we can find in everyday life.

Unfortunately, there are occasionally those who are able to destroy waste separation in the container with unwanted admixtures; often with mixed municipal waste, for example. If such a thing happens and the contents of the sorted waste container are contaminated so much that it can no longer be treated as sorted waste, it’s not possible to add it into the collection vehicle together with other sorted waste. This would devalue what is already loaded in the vehicle. Such contaminated sorted waste should be treated as mixed waste and taken to a landfill or waste-to-energy plant.

We must say that these problems aren’t a daily occurrence and people try to sort waste carefully.



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