
Grey containers for sorting metal packaging are increasingly appearing on the streets. They are intended primarily for collecting cans and small metal waste. In many cases, they are collected together with plastics or beverage cartons (see the label with instructions on the container). Metal can be collected in bags in some municipalities. The main place for collecting most of the metal waste is still a collection yard or a recycling buy-back centre for secondary raw materials, where you also receive money for it. In some places, metal collection is also solved in the form of mobile collections known as ‘Iron Saturday’ or ‘Iron Sunday’.

Značky, které se využívají k označování plastových obalů a výrobků.

Metal waste containers are intended for small metal waste that can be easily passed through the opening; typically empty beverage and tin cans, metal tubes, aluminium foil, metal lids, nails, screws, paper clips and other small metal waste.

In addition to the small waste, other types of metal waste can be taken to the collection yards: pipes, tubes, sheets, pots, bathtubs, wheels and other bulky items.

Street containers are not intended for paint cans and other hazardous substances, pressure vessels with residues of hazardous substances or household appliances and other obsolete devices composed of more materials. These types of waste are sorted separately in collection yards. They are not intended for heavy or toxic metals such as lead or mercury. End-of-life vehicles form a separate section; they are taken over at scrap yards that issue proof of their eco-friendly disposal.



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